Dream Alchemist

Tips to activate the Law of Attraction for women.

Unconditional Self-love


You have a miraculous power that can generate instant healing, magnetic attraction and peace of mind. It is absolutely free and easy to use. Do you wonder what it is? Unconditional, deep love and acceptance for yourself.

Practice loving yourself every day, no matter what mistakes you make. You will leave longer and happier, increase your capacity to heal, accelerate your change process and quicken your manifestation.


  1. Seat or lay down comfortably.
  2. Breathe deeply and slowly for 3-5 minutes, until your heart beat goes down and your body relaxes.
  3. In inhalation think:
    “I love and accept myself deeply, totally and unconditionally. I am a perfect atom in the Divine body.”
  4. In exhalation say it out loud. You can whisper it, if there’s people around.

That’s it: your alchemical key to healing, manifestation, harmony, rejuvenation and peace of mind.

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COPYRIGHT: Maria Mar(c)

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Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational poet, speaker, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!

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